Intervention eBook

Find answers to the following questions:

• What is a drug or alcohol Intervention?
• How do I know for sure if my teen is using?
• How should I prepare for a talk with my child?
• How do I make sure the talk is productive?
• What if my child needs outside help?

What to do if your child is drinking or using drugs



Community Service Announcements

MP3 #1: Advice on Cannabis Harms

MP3#2: Parent Guide on Drug Prevention

The Proven Success Of Drug Prevention


To all Primary Preventionists and Community Health and Safety activists The official launch of this outstanding and seminal academic work by Professors Reece and Hulse, is a must obtain and assiduously promoted reference work.
Epidemiology of Cannabis - Effects on Health Explained

This is a must for all State and Federal Government Health Department, University, Schools and Personal library. Please promote this far and wide in your networks...

Yours for safer, healthier and more resilient communities.

Exclusive purchase options are now available at a significant discount:

Bundle (Paperback + eBook) - Was US $800 | Now US $400 Paperback - Was US $400 | Now US $340 eBook - Was US $400 | Now US $340 Explore these deals now to access groundbreaking knowledge at your fingertips. [Order Now]

Let Australians know new, real harms of cannabis
Please support the Taskforce Go Fund Me

New scientific studies published in some of the world’s best medical journals (see link below for the studies) are showing that cannabis is likely causal in twice as many cancers as tobacco, as well as most birth defects. Massive population studies are now confirming what decades of laboratory research into the physiological effects of cannabis had already discovered. Yet the media mostly refuses to cover press releases from drug prevention organisations drawing attention to these studies, leaving medicinal and recreational cannabis users in the dark about the damage it is doing. Its damage to mental health is likewise being largely ignored by the media. DFA request your support for this very important gofundme cause.

Visit the GoFund me Page


Click here to download a 15 page documents giving the latest science on cannabis



Click here to download Cannabis and Hemp Scientific Review





Drug Free Australia will soon offer new suite of health education modules, with a focus on Drug Use Prevention. ‘Save Your Brain’ (SYB) focuses age-appropriate resources from Year 5, through Middle School and into the Senior Secondary school level. In particular, it focusses on the impact of alcohol and other drugs on the brain. It also looks at protective factors to give teens the 'tools' to be able to negotiate anti-social requests in peer pressure situations.

Save Your Brain. Your feedback is welcome: go to: Feedback Form | Save Your Brain

Save Your Brain Resource

Check out the Drug Free Australia LIBRARY which covers a wide range of data regarding your field of endeavor. 

Check out the Drug Free Australia RECOMMENDED WEBSITES. These NGO’s  covers the best up-to-date data  regarding recovery, prevention and education on the world wide web.


"Jocelyn Rodriguez, 19, a Wendy's employee, told The New York Times that when she heard Ramos was the shooter, she was initially shocked, but then less surprised. She knew him to have a bad temper and to snap at people. He said he had a tendency to pick fights with co-workers and would often talk about how much he hated his mother and grandmother, whom he told her did not let him smoke weed or do what he wanted." Uvalde killer also shot his Grandmother first. (Read More)







Chronic Marijuana Use and Violence – Linked?






The Alt Tag

Who we are

Drug Free Australia is a peak body, representing organizations and individuals who value the health and wellbeing of our nation. It plays a key role as a community voice, staying in touch with every day Australians - families and young people - via newsletters, community forums and the media, to ensure a clear message of healthy, drug free lifestyles is assured for generations to come.

Drug Free Australia’s position Statement

A balanced, humane drug policy where law enforcement, combined with well-resourced education and public health practice, together with international cooperation, will help us reap the benefits of effective prevention and demand reduction initiatives. Appeasement to the seductive chorus of calls for decriminalisation will only lead to greater uptake of illicit drug use. Those who offer this panacea of legalisation coupled with regulation have yet to demonstrate any practical means of regulation and should be held to account.

The Alt Tag

DFA Newsletter

To view the latest Drug Free Australia Newsletter

(and all past issues)

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