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Book SeeYouSoonA helpful book …
for those who are walking with bereavement,
for those who are struggling with addiction in their family,
and for those who wish to understand and be of some help.

Facing up to her son’s death in Hong Kong after a heroin overdose posed many challenges for Philippa Skinner. When Jim died, aged 21, her faith in a loving God was challenged as never before and now she had to ask many painful questions. 

This book is a personal reflection on her experience of grief following the sudden loss of her son, and on the need to learn to live with unanswerable questions. It opens our eyes to the heartbreak of families who suffer loss through addiction. Too often, their despair is sharpened by anxiety that their loved one will be harshly judged by a culture that stigmatizes those with addictions, while failing to see the person and the story beneath.  

“This book is written to bring healing and resolution to those who, like Philippa and Graeme may ask “Why?”.  It is an account written with courage and honesty reflecting the awful pain of loss and untimely death. Yet with conviction that Jim’s life was not in vain and that his story would bring healing to many they have shared their journey of healing.”
Jackie Pullinger, Hong Kong

‘The raw pain of the loss of a precious son to drugs, written with sincere honesty’
Elizabeth Burton-Phillips, founder of DrugFam UK

Philippa Skinner is a mother of four adult children, and at different times a nurse, a teacher and now a counsellor. 

Available in both paper and Kindle versions via a dedicated website www.seeyousoon.me.uk
All proceeds going to the support of drug related charities.
The website also contains some helpful articles and a Facebook link.

Author: Philippa Skinner
Publisher: Presence books
ISBN: 978-1-907228-29-2